Sant Thukaram

Jaaya Jaaya Thu Pandaree.. HOya HOya Vaarkaari... -Go to the Pandaree.. the Kshethra of Shri panduranga and do Vaarkaari...

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Sundara the dhyana ubhe vitevaree l
Kara katavaree tevuniyam ll
Thulaseehara galam kase peetambara l
Avade niranthara hemchi dhyana ll
Makara kundalem thalapathee sravaneem l
Kanteem Kausthubamani virajitha ll
Tuka mhane majhem hemchi sarva sukha l
sreemukha avadeenem ll

Jagathguru Tukaram Maharaj says, “Always let the beauty of Lord Vittala who is standing on a brick, keepping His hands on His hips, with a garland of Tulsi on the shoulders, yellow silk at the middle, shark shaped ornaments in the ear, the Kausthubha gem at the neck be in my meditation. I have got this best of bliss”.


Majya Vittobacha kaisa premabhava l
Apanachi deva hoya guru ll
Padhiyem dehabhava puravitha vasana l
Anthim them apanapasim nyavem ll
Magem pudhem ubha rahe sambhaleetha l
Aliya aghatha nivarave ll
Yogakshema thychem jane jatabharee l Vata davi kareem dharuniyam ll
Tuka mhane naheem visvasa jya maneem l Pahavem puraneem vicharunee ll

Jagathguru Tukaram Maharaj says, “What is the feeling of love between me and Panduranga? He is my Lord who became my guru. (The feeling of love is that of the Lord & devotee and guru & deciple). He fulfills all my desires. He stands at the back and front to protect me. He saves me from the forthcoming troubles. He takes care of my day-today existance, guarding from difficulties. During exigencies His protective arm lifts and leads me to safety. Anybody having doubts regarding these can refer the Puranas”.


Dhanya aji dina l
Jhalem santhanche darshan ll
Jhalee papathapa thuti l
Dainya gelem utautee ll
Jhalem samadhana l
Payeem visamvalem mana ll
Tuka mhane ale ghara l
Thochi Diwalee Dasara ll

Jagath guru Tukaram Maharaj says, “Today is a fortunate day, as I had met with saints. By ther grace, gone are the heat of my sins, pains and poverty. My mind got relief and peace. The day, the saints visit our houses, is to be celebrated as Diwali and Dasara”


Hemchi dana dega Deva l
Tujha visara na vhava ll
Guna gayeena avadi l
Hechi majhee sarva jodi ll
Nalage mukthi ani dhana sampada l
Sntha sanga deyeem sada ll
Tuka mhane garbhavaseem l
Sukhem ghalavem amhamsee ll

Jagathguru Tukaram Maharaj says, “O! Lod! Before you forget bestow me a boon. I sing your praise with love and you have given me every thing. I want neither liberation nor wealth nor prosperity. Only let me be in the company of saints always. For that sake I am ready to enjoy taking any number of births


Chala Pandhareesee javum l
Rakhumadeveevara pahum ll
Dole nivatheela kana l
Mana thethem samadhana ll
Santham mahantham hotheela bhetee l
Anandem nachom valavanteem ll
Thethem thirthamchem mahera l
Sarva sukhachem bhandara ll
Janma naheem re aneeka l
Tuka mhane majhee bhaka ll

Jagathguru Tukaram Maharaj says, “Come on, let us go to Pandharpur, and see (Lord Vittal) the consort of Rakhumadevi. There our eyes and ears get filled. The mind gets peace. We meet saints and mahants (group leader of devotees). Let us all dance and roll our bodies on the earth (where saints had set foot). That place (Pandharpur) is the mother’s place for the holy places (or waters) and a store house of all bliss. I promise that the pilgrim to (Pandharpur) will not have next birth


Pavalom Pandharee vaikunta bhuvana l
Dhanya aji dina soniyacha ll
Pavalom Pandharee ananda gajarem l
Vajatheela thure sankha bheree ll
Pavalom Pandhareem kshema alinganeem l
Santha ya sajjaneem nivavilem ll
Pavalom Pandhareem para naheem sukha l
Bhetala ha sakha maya bapa ll
Pavalom Pandharee yerajhaea kuntalee l
Mavulee volalee prema panha ll
Pavalpom Pandharee apulem mahera l
Naheem samvasara Tuka mhane ll

Jagath guru Tukaram Maharaj says. “Start for Pandhari, the Vaiuntam on earth. Today is an auspicious golden day. Hear the joyous shouts and playing of conches & drums. Meet saints and devotees. Embrace them friendly. Meet (Vittalan) our friend, mother and father and there is no limit for this happiness. Our mother is waiting for our affection. Pandhri is our mother’s house where the cycle of birth and death ends”


Tumhi santha maya bapa krupavantha l
Kaya mee patheetha keerthi vanum ll
Avathara thumham dharaya karana l
Uddharave jana jada jeeva ll
Vadhavaya sukha bhakthi bhava dharma l
Kulachara nama Vttobachem ll
Tuka mhane guna chanthanache angeem l
Thaisee thumhee jageem santha jana ll

Jagathguru Tukaram Maharaj says, “ O! Saints! You are my kind parents. How can I, a low person, tell your praise? The cause of your incarnation (as saints) is to liberate the souls of innocent people. By propagating Vittala’s name you have nourished blissfull devotion, moral values, and observances as per one’s qualification. Your quality is that of sandal on the body (impartng fragrance)


Vittala tala Vittala dindi l
Vittala thondeem uchchara ll
Vittala avaghya bhandavala l
Vittala bola Vittala bola ll
Vittala nada Vittala bheda l
Vittala chanda Vittala ll
Vittala sukha Vittala duhkha l
Tukaya mukha Vittala ll

Jagathguru Tukaram Maharaj says, “Vittala is the cymbal, Vittala is the tambura. Recite Vittala. Vittala is the wealth. Vittala is the music, Vittala is its variations. Vittala is the tune. Vittala is the pleasure, Vittala is pain*. I chant Vittala”.
* To be near Vittalan is pleasure. To be away from Him is pain


Nama sangeerthana sadhana paim sopem l
Jalatheela papem janmanthareemcheem ll
Na lagathi sayasa javem vananthara l
Sukhem yetho ghara Narayana ll
Tayeemcha baisoni kara eakachiththa l
Avadeem anantha alavava ll
Ramakrishnahari Vittala Kesava l
Manthra ha japava sarvakala ll
Yavina aneeka asatham sadhana l
Vahathase ana Vittobachee ll
Tuka mhane sopem ahe sarvamhuni l
Shahana tho dhanee ghetho yethem ll

Jagathguru Tukaram Maharaj says, “To attain liberation, the way of Nama Sankirthana (singing His glory) is the easiest. It burns all the accumulated sins of the previus births. No need to go to the forest and exert. It could be done in the comfort of your house, where Lord Narayana lives. Sit at a quite corner, concentrate your mind and with love chant (His name), countless times. Always you chant the manthras - Ramakrishnahari, Vittala and Kesava. I promise in the name of Vittoba that there is no other sure and immediate means (to atan liberation). Intelligent people follow this easy way


Anika dusarem maja naheem atham l
Nemilem ya chiththa pasooniyam ll
Panduranga dhyaneem panduranga maneem l
Jagrutheem svapneem Panduranga ll
Padilem valana indriyam sakalam l
Bhava tho nirala naheem kona ll
Tuka mhane nethreem kelee olakhana l
Thatastha them dhyana vitevaree ll

Jagathguru Tukaram Maharaj says, “In my mind I have decided not to contemplate on any other than Panduranga. While awake I meditate on Panduranga and in dream I have Him in my mind. I have controlled all my sense organs in such a way that they concentrate on Panduranga. I do not know anything else (except Panduranga). My eyes had learnt to meditate on Vittal who is standing on a brick at the riverbank


Magatha bhikari jhalem thujhe dhwareem l
Deyim maja Hari krupadana ll
Prema preethi nama uchitha karavem l
Bhavem sanchharavem hrudaya majeem ll
Sarva bhavem sarana alom Panduranga l
Krupalu thum jaga majeem eka ll
Thapathrayem majhi thapavilee kaya l
Sheethala vhavaya paya thujhe ll
Sambandheem janavada pidalom paropari l
Antharalom duri thujashee thenem ll
Thuka mhane atham thujha sharanangatha l
Karavem sanatha mayabapa ll

Jagathguru Thukaram Maharaj says, “O Hari! I have come to your gate as a begger and beg you, give me your grace as alms. I recite your name with love and joy, do unto me what you deem fit. Stroll in my heart with affection. Panduranga! To me, you are the only generous person in the world and hence I had taken refuge in your feet with my body, speech and mind. My body is being burnt by three kinds of heat [Caused by destiny (Adidaivika), the five elements (Adibhouthika) and own deeds (Adyathmika)]. Cool them off. Take me away from caring for my kith and kin, which I do under pain of being questioned by the world. My dear mother and father! I am at your feet and make me (sanatha as opposed to anatha) as one who belongs to you.


Atham tari jaya jaya jaya l
Dharee sadguru che paya ll
Jyamukheem naheem nama smarana l
Janmuni kele kaya ll
Thvam jaree kele koti anyaya l
Harathila sadguru maya ll
Dasa Tuka mhane nama smaranem l
Biksha maguni khaya ll

Jagathguru Tukaram Maharaj says. “Let us go now itself and hold the guru’s feet. Why at all a person takes birth, if he is not reciting Hari’s name? Even if you had commited ten milion sins, as a mother, guru destroys them. As a slave I beg (Vittal) to give me alms of His name to eat”. (to recite)